Have you ever wanted something so bad? You hoped for it and maybe even dreamed about it, only to not receive it?
Since we were kids, we were told we won’t get everything we want and “life’s not fair,” but that doesn’t change that you’re left feeling crushed, discouraged and even angry at God. You subconsiously check off yet another thing God didn’t come through for you for.
This piece is not for the Christian who is in the business of manipulating God for their wants. This piece is for the Christian that has already established: God isn’t a genie. This is for the Christian that knows God can do exceedingly abundantly all that we could ever ask for or think (Ephesians 3:20) but finds themselves questioning if He would really do so for them. This is for the Christian who trusts that God has plans of future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11), but they just have no idea where in the world it is or when in the world that plan will come.
This is for me. And for you, if you let it. Here’s the truth about…
Asking God.
You and I…we don’t get a lot of the things we want because we don’t ask.
There’s a myriad of reasons why we don’t. One major way that plagues us all is that we go and get it ourselves. That’s part of the go-getter syndrome I’m always mentioning. It doesn’t help that the society we live in breeds on self-sufficiency. Being about your business is extremely commendable. God applauds that, too. But what He doesn’t like is when we rely on our own abilities (Proverbs 3:5). I know for myself, I do all that I can and for the things I really want and know I can’t get on my own, I leave in “God’s hands.” But is it really leaving it in His hands if you’re not praying and fasting about it — if you don’t give Him every single thing?
Is that how you treat those unresolvable problems? Those galaxy-sized dreams?
I’ve always wanted to pageants. I competed in a small one in college and was crowned by Miss New Jersey and Miss Teen New Jersey. This past summer, I searched for opportunities to compete at the national level and discovered the Miss Black USA pageant. I did extensive research, submitted my best work, was interviewed and guess what guys?! I WON. I am Miss Black New Jersey!!!
I was bit taken aback because I felt like I could’ve gone harder in prayer about it. But there’s a thing that’s called grace. Thank God for His grace.
For a long time, I found myself not asking God for the things that were the most important to me: my mom’s healing, my desired career position, restoring relationships and even myself.
You may be thinking I didn’t trust God to come through in those aspects and while that’s partially true, that’s not all it was. Subconsciously, I didn’t pray those things because He already knew and knows what I needed. I’ve had a lot of occasions where I simply didn’t know what to say…and that was okay.
A verse about God that always amazes me is Romans 8:26 which says, “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” In other words, God’s love is so immense, so palpable, so attentive, that He uses the Holy Spirit placed in you to express the feelings you couldn’t even explain if you tried. Your groans and heartaches are His language.
God's love is so palpable, so attentive, that He uses the Holy Spirit to express feelings you couldn't explain if you tried. Click To Tweet Your groans and heartaches are God's language. Click To Tweet
I used that as a reasoning to not bring my requests to God. After I regained my voice and started speaking to Him again, another “reasoning” showed its face: the belief that “if God wants it to happen, it will.” Now, that’s true and all but it’s testing God when you’re not doing your part. It brings about complacency, allowing you to feel as if you don’t have to do much to achieve or receive that desire. But you have to do a lot. You need to pray and pray and pray. You need to ask.
Why should you be asking God?
1. Jesus said to. He said so a lot, actually.
Luke 11:9: And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
John 16:24, “Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”
2. Asking God shows you believe in Him and His promises.
In order to receive, we have to believe in God and His promises. Matthew 17:20 reads: Truly I say to you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, “Move from here to there, and it will move.” Nothing will be impossible for you.
You probably have experienced some form of betrayal in your life, causing you to have trust issues. God always gets the brunt of it, even though He has been the only thing in our lives that has been consistent and true. He doesn’t have to prove Himself to you; He’s Almighty. He is the Ultimate supernatural, all powerful force that supersedes all things.
What we need to do is ask God to help our unbelief (Mark 9:24). And on our end, we must attentively wait for God to speak because contrary belief, He does. Sometimes He speaks through people, sometimes He speaks through dreams, sometimes He speaks through songs. But He will always speak through His Word. You can’t know what God has promised you if you don’t even know what He said.
Sometimes God speaks through people, through dreams, through songs. But He will ALWAYS speak through His Word. Click To Tweet
In order to hear His voice, you have to know His voice. That begins by immersing yourself in the Bible, His Word.
In order to hear His voice, you have to know His voice. That begins by immersing yourself in the Bible, His Word. Click To Tweet
3. God wants to bless His children.
If your wants align with His will, what you are asking God will come.
Micah 7:7 says: there is power in persistent prayer.
If you need to journal, if you need to stick Post-It’s all over your mirror and walls, if you need to put it in a prayer jar, if you need to set an alarm…do it. Do whatever it takes to bring your requests to God. He’s waiting for you.
Now, it’s my turn to ask you something! I recently announced I was crowned Miss Black NJ 2018! I ask that you please donate to my GoFundMe! Please help my dream come into fruition.