There’s a season for everything.


Right now, mine is one that’s an overwhelming and exhausting marathon. As I prepare for launching my first book, I’m also working on my second while simultaneously trying to maintain my social media presence, write consistently on my blog, post YouTube videos, interview and edit for my podcast, and write my biweekly newsletters.


Needless to say, it’s been exasperating trying to “keep up.” Things have settled down some since I solidified my schedule but it’s still difficult to keep going when it isn’t the season to see the fruits of my labor. I understand that but it still, such a weird place.


Especially because just a few months ago, I was doing even more! I went from traveling to different countries and cities for Teen Vogue to staying at home and working on the assignments and projects God gave to me.


Everything feels so still.


And quite frankly, I am completely over it. I want out!


But of course, I know that’s it’s not up to me. And instead of complaining, God is expecting me to have an attitude of adaptability. He wants me to learn. I know that in this dry season, God is expecting me to wait well.

Instead of complaining, God is expecting me to have an attitude of adaptability. He wants me to learn. I know that in this dry season, God is expecting me to wait well. Click To Tweet


1. How does waiting well looks like?

God works in time and seasons. And in every season, you have one mission. That mission is to do what He has called you to do. Psalm 1:3 is more elaborate with this:

Scripture reads,

“They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do.”

Psalm 1 exemplifies what it means to walk with our God. Throughout the passage, you’ll learn how in all seasons, God wants you to be wise about who you surround yourself with and how you spend your time. He wants you to live a life that’s pleasing to Him even when you feel like things aren’t fair and you’re not getting the results you’ve been working so hard for.


To prosper in all things, you must remain planted where God needs you to be and fill yourself with His Living Word. After all, Jesus is The Well that will never run dry.

To prosper in all things, you must remain planted where God needs you to be and fill yourself with His Living Word. Click To Tweet


I try to remind myself if I’m constantly thirsting for more of God and if I’m seeking Him, then my spirit will never feel desolate even in my desert seasons. In fact, I will be in overflow. My leaves will never wither, no. As long as I’m connected to My Source, I will always be replenished.


Right now, you are being prepped to produced beautiful fruit at the properly appointed time. Do what God has called you to do — nothing more, nothing less.

Right now, you are being prepped to produced beautiful fruit at the proper appointed time. Click To Tweet



2. Understand God’s Word Won’t Return Void

Trust God for yourself! I feel like the reason we get so discouraged in the wait is because we don’t truly believe in what God says He will do for us. But Isaiah 55:10-11 says:

“Just as rain and snow descend from the skies
and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth,
Doing their work of making things grow and blossom,
producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry,
So will the words that come out of my mouth
not come back empty-handed.
They’ll do the work I sent them to do,
they’ll complete the assignment I gave them.”


The rain has a purpose, doesn’t it? It doesn’t just sprinkle from the sky and halts before it hits the ground. It falls, washing out toxins, nourishing old plants and making room for new ones.

The prophet Isaiah compares the rain with the Word. They both do just as God intended! Rain does not return to heaven, it accomplishes its mission: it falls and it is used. This is how we should aspire to be with God’s promises. May we study them, store them in our hearts and watch as sin die and new fruit takes soil.

Indeed, we’re growing even in the dry place.

Rain does not return to heaven, it accomplishes its mission: it falls and it is used. This is how we should aspire to be with God's promises. May we study them, store them in our hearts and watch as sin die and new fruit takes soil.… Click To Tweet


3. Embrace the lessons God is trying to show you in your dry seasons.

Sometimes, the behind-the-scenes can look appealing or, it can look disastrous.

Whether you’re typing in bed or heading into work every day, the process requires your time, undivided attention and heart. It requires you to show up.⁣

That means…⁣

  •  You can’t afford to look at what everyone else is doing. ⁣
  • You can’t afford to linger over missed deadlines, mistakes or “opportunities.”⁣
  • You can’t afford to worry about when it’ll be your season to win.⁣

Stay focused! ⁣Your diligence will pay off. Pay attention to the hidden treasures in your journey. When God puts you in a quiet place, you stay. Don’t look for a way out but look for the lessons He’s trying to put on your heart.

When God puts you in a quiet place, you stay. Don't look for a way out but look for the lessons He's trying to put on your heart. Click To Tweet


4. Remember THIS to Keep Going in Your Dry Seasons:

In this process, here’s what encourages me:

  • Preparation is just as important as execution.⁣
  • As you’re working towards the finished product, God is also working on YOU.⁣

The projects, the studying, the job — WHATEVER you’re putting your all into may not be announcement-worthy now but it’s also something likes, comments and RTs can’t measure up to…ever!⁣

To the outside world, you may not have much to show for what you’re working on — your own mind may even trick you to even believe it! But trust that the fruits of your labor will be realized. Not just for you, no. God’s glory will always be revealed for all to see.⁣

Take comfort in the fact that He sees the work you’re putting in behind-the-scenes.

The projects, the studying, the job — WHATEVER you’re putting your all into may not be announcement-worthy now but it’s also something likes, comments and RTs can’t measure up to...ever!⁣ Click To Tweet To the outside world, you may not have much to show for what you’re working on — your own mind may even trick you to even believe it! But trust that the fruits of your labor will be realized. Not just for you, no. God’s glory will… Click To Tweet Take comfort in the fact that He sees the work you’re putting in behind-the-scenes. Click To Tweet


⁣5. Ask yourself: What are you sowing in this season?

“You reap what you sow” is probably the most overused phrase out there but oh, how true it is! Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To everything there is a season.” And I say: Dry seasons don’t exempt you from dressing in the righteousness of God and using your gifts to spread His love.

Dry seasons don't exempt you from dressing in the righteousness of God and using your gifts to spread His love. Click To Tweet


Take a look at this:

Galatians 6:7-10 The Message (MSG)

Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life.

So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time, we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.


God will hold you accountable for what you chose to do in your downtime. Never stop serving. You’ll find fruit in helping others and God will reward you Himself. And if you’re feeling drained, breathe! He wants you to be still and trust that He is GOD! He has everything under control and will equip you with the vigor and resources for whatever you need to accomplish.

God will hold you accountable for what you chose to do in your downtime. Click To Tweet

There’s a reason why you’re not at the finished line just yet.

There’s a reason why you feel like no matter what you do, you can’t see results. There’s a reason why your fruits have not yet been harvested.


The reason is as simple as this: it’s just not time yet.


Our world is in God’s hands so we must trust that indeed, He makes all things beautiful in His time. Our Father knows best and He will hold you, encourage you and lift you in your dry season. In due time, you will reap all that you have sowed and He will show why you had to wait.



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♡ Jesus thought you were to die for. Let your girls know — share this video!


July 3, 2019

  1. Summer says:

    This was just what I needed! Thank you for being obedient to God’s call to write. You have blessed me!

  2. Carmen says:

    Great post! You are right. God’s word never returns void. I think it’s important to focus on his character and His truths during a waiting season. I am in a waiting season right now, and this was a good reminder for me.

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with love, Tarah-Lynn

I'm Tarah-Lynn – a confidently vulnerable woman,  emboldened by love and on a mission to get you to live purposefully and to believe bigger. Call me your cheerleader; I look forward to encouraging you
 into victory! 

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