Last year, God kept dropping the number 8 in my spirit. At first, I didn’t think much of it… but then a woman on Instagram discovered my podcast page and commented on her studies in biblical numerology.
I launched Dressed for Battle Podcast on 8/8/18 because it seemed like a “cute” and memorable date. Little did I know, the number 8 biblically symbolize new beginnings.
When I found out, I was like “Whoa” – particularly because my verse of last year was Isaiah 43:19:
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
After experiencing a dark season in 2017, I began to really believe and feel God was getting ready to do a new thing in my life.
New things require hard things.
Like my brand, Dressed for Battle Podcast started out as a school assignment. My class was instructed to create a podcast based on a brand and so I chose my own. I had no idea what the podcast would be about and wondered for weeks.
God woke me up at 4 am one morning and addressed the lack of transparency and vulnerability we have in the middle of our struggles – particularly in the body of believers.
He gave me the idea to interview faith-filled warrior women who are bold enough to confess the struggles they’re dealing with now.
Oftentimes, we focus on success stories and the breakthrough at the end of the pain. But I want to share the stories of those who have the testimony in the making. I want to share the weapons and armor we as women could use to fight back in the middle of the battle, together.
I’ve been at this podcast thing for a year now and I’m blown away by the testimonies shared – but I can’t help but think of the ones that go unheard.
Sis, it’s time to tell yours.
The struggle is real and it’s important to share it! Of course, be wise about who you’re telling and what exactly you expose – there are seasons for extreme discretion. However, I also know the power of your testimony and how it’ll bring you from struggle to a celebration.
Need some more convincing?
Here are 8 reasons why you should share your testimony:
You don’t need to be a pastor, a theologian or Christian influencer to share your testimony.
In John 9, the Bible tells a story of Jesus healing a man who was blind on the Sabbath. When the Pharisees brought the blind man into questioning (no one was to perform works on the Sabbath), he simply responded: “One thing I know: once I was blind but now I see.”
The Pharisees went through ridiculous hoops in attempts to discredit the miracle Jesus performed. However, no one could deny what was so obvious.
The man was born blind, but now he sees.
Sis, no one can argue about your experience. Your own testimony is enough for you to see, believe, and worship God (John 9: 25, 37-38).
2. Sharing your testimony brings God glory.
We’re not glorifying the struggle. We’re glorifying God in it. When you share your testimony, you showcase how God has made you more than a conqueror. You give Him more honor and praise by sharing what He has done in your life. Essentially, you brag on Jesus!
We’re not glorifying the struggle. We’re glorifying God in it. Click To Tweet
3. Your testimony demonstrates God’s power.
The term, “testimony,” derives from the Hebrew word, uwd, which means to “do again.”
Your testimony shows people that God is in the business of doing it again and again and again. Not just for you, but for anyone else.
Revelation 19:10 tells us, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
And so, may we focus on preaching the messages God gives us, prophesy in accordance with the Word of God (Isaiah 8:20), and realize that prophecy does not stem from our will but the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21).
May we focus on preaching the messages God gives us, prophesy in accordance with the Word of God (Isaiah 8:20), and realize that prophecy does not stem from our will but the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). Click To Tweet
We will truly see how the power of our testimonies has the ability to drive a future miracle in the lives of others.
4. Sharing your testimony (and even your current struggles) showcases the love of God.
It’s not uncommon for us to view God as a cruel punisher. I struggled with that perception for years. I grew up knowing God was loving but His role as judge overpowered my knowledge of His love – especially when trekking through difficult seasons.
But when I began to really see that God is for me, I was able to trade my jaded view for one that’s crystal clear. I wrote about the “new mirror” in my book in hopes to remind you that God’s love chases you even in the ugliest places.
When we truly believe that God is working all things for our good, we begin to experience the relentless love of God pursuing us over every mountain and valley.
When we truly believe that God is working all things for our good, we begin to experience the relentless love of God pursuing us over every mountain and valley. Click To Tweet
And it is our love for God that spills through our lips when we share where He has brought us from.
Sharing our testimony not only exposes God’s heart on the matter, but it also shows how He feels about us. Indeed, God’s love is further demonstrated by our testimony.
Sharing our testimony not only exposes God’s heart on the matter, but it also shows how He feels about us. Indeed, God’s love is further demonstrated by our testimony. Click To Tweet
In sharing, we tell the world how life isn’t meant to be void of true love. We tell the world how God loves us all so much, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. He conquered death so we could have the opportunity to live again (John 3:16)!
Through Jesus, the bridge that sin destroyed could no longer separate us from the love of God. When we accept Christ as our Savior, we can receive the power to understand how wide, how long, how high, how deep His love is for us (Ephesians 3:18).
Our testimonies illustrate the loving relationship we have with our Father and prayerfully, encourages others to desire a relationship with Him, too.
5. Our testimonies promote togetherness:
We’re in the fight of our lives so why not go to war together?
I love Dressed for Battle Podcast so much because I get to show everyone that millennial and gen z warrior women of GOD EXIST. Every episode, I interview warrior women who expose what she’s struggling with at the moment. No topic left untouched. We laugh, we cry. In sharing our stories, we’ll not only help our sisters but give God the glory.
I don’t want us to talk about the struggle at the end when the breakthrough comes. Let’s talk about it now, as we’re going through. This is a community that will go through with you. You’ll go from “all my life I had to fight” to feeling like a conqueror.
In our celebration episode, I sat in awe looking at all the faces that make up our community. No matter the background or where you are, it’s so important to surround yourself with godly people. People who can hold you accountable, encourage you, and simply say, “I’m fighting with you.”
There is a purpose in your struggle. Your story can and will help your sister behind you.
This life is hard but with Christ and the company He blesses us with, we can not only survive but thrive.
6. We should share our testimonies because God doesn’t want us to forget.
Our struggles oftentimes blind us to the good parts of our lives. However, I’ve begun to take a proactive approach to notice the signs and hints and reminders God utilizes to encourage us.
Let’s take the number 8 as an example. Once I knew what the number 8 stood for, I began to really take notice I was receiving messages about “something new.” I was receiving donations with the number 8 in it. And the craziest instance out of them all: while competing as a finalist in a national pageant last year, my on-stage question was numbered 8.
I remember crumpling the tiny scrap paper in my fist and reciting over and over again, “new beginnings, new beginnings, new beginnings.”
In the book of Exodus, God also seeks to demonstrate to His people that He will always have more for them, too. Though the Israelites weren’t to keep the manna overnight unless it was the Sabbath, God directed them to collect some in a vase in the ark. It would serve as a testimony of His divine provision for generations to come (Exodus 16:32).
God warned them, “do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live.” He also instructed them to pass them on to their children and grandchildren. (Deuteronomy 4:9).
Same goes for us!
The sure way to remember our testimonies is to express it is by telling someone and also, writing it down!
I used to write “the good parts” on scraps of paper, toss them in a jar and would read my notes at the end of the year. Now, I love to keep everything in my journals!
7. It’s important to share your testimony because it is your weapon.
You win, sis. Game over!
Revelation 12:11 tells us that we won the victory over the devil because of the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.
And so let us reference what God did for us in the past in order to march forward in victory!
David did.
When preparing to fight Goliath, he told King Saul: “The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” (1 Samuel 17:37).
We will have more wins. In fact, we’ve already won the war.
8. Your struggles will lead to a celebration.
In Acts 13:15 Paul tells us, “If you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak.”
It’s what God expects of us!
When we share our struggles and how God is showing himself Omnipotent through it all, we allow others to join in on our journey to breakthrough. Sharing will get us to a place where we can celebrate together.
In every season, God will reveal the works of His hands all around you. It’ll not only encourage others, but it’ll also encourage yourself. You’ll be so shocked by how far you’ve come.
You’ll be more and more conscious about what God is trying to do in your life.
I can assure you — it’ll be something new.
I love all the key points of the blog post! Sharing your testimony has so many benefits to us and others!
God bless you dear,
Amen! Thanks so much for reading, sis! God bless you!
I’m scheduled to tell my testimony on July 20th to my church congregation and this article SO helped me.
So happy for you, Felisha! May God continue to use you.
This is a great and edifying post you have here. I love the spiritual values I got here. Now I understand more that our testimony is not only to glorify God but that it is our weapon against the enemy. We overcame him by our testimonies, even our testimony becomes our drive when we face the enemy like David.
I found out through this post that every testimony impacts four peoples in one way or the other and those four people are; you, your God, your hearers, and satan.
Thanks for sharing and God bless.
Right now my season is about telling my testimony and last night I boohooed to God about not being strong enough to speak about my struggle. Today He led me to this blog (in that you don’t know how you got here so it must be God sort of way) and it encouraged me so much! He is always a present help in your time of need using others so that you might too overcome ❤️ this was great thank you so much!
Wow, Tianna! May you tap into God-given boldness and share your testimony with the world!
[…] The Power of Testimonies in Sharing the Gospel […]
I just ran across your 8 reasons to share your testimony and was so encouraged. Thanks for sharing!
Yay! You’re welcome, Rhondia!
am happy and blessed
wow this is truly encouraging thank you I ve learnt a lot
Thank you I’ve gain more encouragement of continuing in testifying about God and His mercy on me. Now I know others will be motivated by my testimonies.
Thank you.
Yes, they will, Cindy! You’re welcome!