
I love love! So whenever Valentine’s Day comes around, I can’t help but wear the typical pinks, reds, and purples and be in a gushy, giddy mood. Even when I was single, I was never a VDay hater lol maybe it was my upbringing in my faith. No, not maybe – definitely! I’m surrounded by love daily and I’m constantly reminded of the Ultimate Love of all:  sweet sweet Jesus! Get it? Sweet? (Yes, I chuckle at my own jokes.)

I traveled back to Jersey to celebrate the holiday with my hunay. It was a long bus ride (about 4.5 hours) but it was soooo worth it. I haven’t seen Paul in over a month! *cues tears* It felt surreal to be not just with him, but my family. I missed them so much!

On to the good stuff. I spent the first half of my VDay with my mom. The quality time was much needed and we appreciated each other’s company (I’m a momma’s girl, guys.)

The second half of my day was spent with Paul! I had no clue what he was planning until we reached the stables.  Yup, he surprised me with a horseback lesson!!! Mind you, he didn’t know I used to collect figurines of horses as a child. The experience … took my breath away. Both, literally and figuratively.

IMG_1085Afterwards, we went to dinner at a perfect Thai restaurant. It was the perfect  ending to a perfect day with the most perfect people.

IMG_1054 IMG_1061 IMG_1079I guess now’s the part where I tell you about what I’m wearing, right? All ASOS errthang!!! Haha no seriously, everything is. Except for my pants. They’re from The Gap. If you guys don’t realize, the “shirt” I’m wearing is actually the dress I wore for my birthday! I folded it up and voila.


It doesn’t matter that it’s two days after Vday, Happy Valentine’s Day, Adorners! And if you haven’t heard it lately, I love you all 😉

* Photography by my good friend Domonique Boss! Thank you, girly!

  1. Love these photographs!! You look so cute! In fact, I wore pink on the Valentine’s as well 😉 There is definitely something about this colour and love!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
    Do drop by my blog as well :

  2. tothemaxime says:

    lol on one pic ur flying, totally love your shoes by the way

  3. Style-Lee says:

    Love the color combo.

  4. asallows says:

    I absolutely love the pink coat! What a fun, vibrant colour. Also, horseback riding is the best. I used to ride a lot when I was younger, and I absolutely love it. Glad you had fun!

  5. Susana Ares says:

    Very pretty!! I love your coat!!! <3
    Have a great week!
    xo – Susana

  6. Im a mamas girl too! I actually bought my mom a valentines day card and we exchanged gifts! =) Im in a long distance relationship too and when my boyfriend visted this past weekend i was in heaven! Im not a pink fan but I did buy the mac viva glam miley cyrus lipstick, so that was my little flush of pink for the day!. =)


  7. Awww dear you look adorable! Love the pink coat paired with the snakeskin top, how fun is this look that is so well-polished! Glad you lovebirds had fun at the stables and dinner later. You both have great style! 🙂 xo~ Lena

    • tarahsaint says:

      Lena!!! Thank you so much! I was struggling to find something to wear and refused to buy anything new! So glad I came up with this and that it actually worked haha

  8. I love seeing how you’ve evolved since I started following you. You’re truly amazing! Keep up all the fantastic work!

  9. blvckbee says:

    This outfit is amazing! The pink looks so well on the rest of your outfit. You guys look so happy together 🙂

    Agnes x

  10. officialfantasy says:

    You looked beautiful….that pretty girl face. ❤

  11. ariannajonae says:

    How cute!? Surprise horseback riding sounds so fun! And your outfit is stunning! Love the bright pink coat ❤️

    XO Arianna |

  12. okay everything about your look is ADORABLE!!! those shoes are amazing <2

  13. Liz Lizo says:

    Omg I love that pink coat!

    – Liz

  14. Adorable! Love this:) Xo

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