Wanna know what’s powerful? Enduring private battles and coming out a conqueror not because the pain is gone or the problem(s) disappeared but because you’ve nurtured a spirit of expectancy.
I’ll admit: It’s easy to dismiss hope when you’ve been burned on incomprehensible levels and life doesn’t make sense. I took this photo in October of 2021 in preparation for a dream that hadn’t yet come to pass in a few areas of my life. And in that season, I experienced how hope deferred truly makes the heart sick.
Time with family quickly shook off a dark and hesitant outlook and 2022 looked a lot different. It was better and brighter; I was fully immersed in crazy blessings that still leaves me in awe and I’m navigating crazier losses that doesn’t even feel real.
But still, I am expectant. I have seen for myself that hope chiseled by endurance will not lead to disappointment (Romans 5:3-5). I’m still dreaming. Still fighting, hoping, believing, and still killing the game! I look forward to the me I’ll become in 2023.
Discovering My Word of the Year
The words you just read above were my final written words of 2022. I was so excited to share because I had pondered about what my message would be for a couple of days and nothing was coming to me. Suddenly–in the knick of time–the words came and flowed. As I typed the message in my notes app, it was as if I could see the word “expectant” being circled around and around for me. I quickly considered if it would be my “word of the year.” But right after I posted the caption to Instagram, I was off to church so I didn’t have much time to think on it!
After celebrating New Year’s Eve via online streaming services for the past few years (thank God the pandemic is over), I was excited to attend my cousin’s church, House of Restoration NJ. Still feeling immense gratitude for the message God had suddenly imprinted upon my heart, the word “expectant” came to mind again. This time, I was listening to Pastor Joe Asmah preach about hope and what’s to come in 2023. Since the word came to mind made its return, I concluded that “expectant” would be my word of the year. And just as I wondered what my theme verse would be, it popped up in the screen! I kid you not, the pastor declared Psalms 145:15-16 and it appeared in such a grand gesture that it felt like God was saying, “Hello?! Yes, it’s Me. This is your word of the year.” The NKJV reads,
The eyes of all look expectantly to You, And You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand
and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
I like the MSG version, too! It says,
“All eyes are on you, expectant; you give them their meals on time. Generous to a fault, you lavish your favor on all creatures. Everything God does is right—the trademark on all his works is love.
Make the Choice to Live in Expectation Today
Tell me—how beautiful is that?! The Psalms is saying that we as God’s people can look to God with full confidence that He will give us what ever we need to be sustained. His very nature is to give so we will not be disappointed with what our gifts are. He will satisfy us; He will meet every expectation and go beyond it. I strongly believe this!
And so this year, I will live in greater expectation. I choose to live in expectation. I know life can kick you down but here’s me reaching out to you to help you up. Look up, God is going to blow our minds. Sis, choose to live in expectation today.
I will live in greater expectation. Click To Tweet
live in expectation